Le Plus de Villes
Taking in a few of the busier towns in Normandy & Brittany
Cherbourg-Bayeux-Granville-St.Malo (Distance 220 miles)

Difficulty level:
Moderate (50-70 miles per day)
What's included:
All hotels
Ferries & cabins
Breakfast, lunch & dinner
Support vehicle
Met from ferry/airport
Guide (optional​)
Dates: On demand
What's not included:​​​
Bikes (hiring option available)
Helmets & cycle wear
£800 per person (based on two people sharing a room)
Single person supplement available.
- all tours are guided and supported

Day 1: This tour combines some provincial Norman and Breton seaside towns taking in a number famous places as we cover approximately 220 miles in three and half days cycling. The group will embark in Cherbourg on Friday morning and will ride down the ‘far side’ of the peninsula on a historic route via Valogne, Saint-Marie-Leglise and Isigny-sur-mer toward our destination of Bayeux. This cathedral city is not only home to many ancient sights and sounds but is also a lively destination come evening time. Our outing come ‘ce soir’ will take in one or two local drinking holes and then rounded off with a sumptuous dinner in a local bistro. Team members then have the option to retire to local lodgings or more frivolity – all within walking distance.
Distance: 61 miles

Day 2: A mid-morning start will see the peloton depart this magnificent medieval city where the nominated yellow jersey will lead them on toward the opposite Norman coast where lies the town of Granville. We will be cycling through the beautiful rural countryside and via the City of Ruins (St.Lo) and international jazz festival venue Coutances. A sea-food and cider ‘al fresco’ dejeuner awaits the group in Agon-Countainville where we will take in sun and sea (but little surf). After a surfeit of local delicacies and oiled inner thighs the group will make a short 20 mile run to the much loved Granville where an ample sufficiency of evening entertainment and a chance to replace burned calories awaits. To get there we will wend our way down the ‘channel coast’ making the most of the undulating coastal roads. These roads are beautifully maintained and our route takes us through coastal marshlands, river estuaries and wild-wildlife sanctuaries.
Distance 70 miles

Day 3: Refreshed from the previous day's loves and labours the group will depart for the Bretton coast and the citadel of St.Malo. The coast road will take us all the way down to this famous town along 60 miles of breathtaking vista and we will be stopping for lunch in sight of Mont St. Michel. On arrival at St. Malo we shall dismount within its walls (once the haven for international maritime pirates) and make our way into the evening bustle to take in its historical and culinary delights.
Distance: 70 miles

Day 4: Our final day will be one of rest and relaxation where, after a late breakfast and some local shopping, for those so inclined, we shall board a ferry to take us all home around 11.00 am. A lazy day can be expected, punctuated by a decent lunch and prize giving, courtesy of Britanny Ferries. Either a sunbed or the bar might be a good choice after our hectic few days and arrival at Portsmouth should be anticipated around 6.00 pm.

Our Accommodation: After a hard day in the saddle we like to try to stay in the best available places. In France, and in particular the rural parts, accommodation tends to vary quite a lot between chateaux (stately homes/castles), auberges (country houses), hotels and gites. Wherever possible we try not to skimp on the quality so riders get the best eating, sleeping and drinking experience before moving on to the next destination.
General Stuff: When we embark in Normandy the 'rescue van' will take your non-cycling kit and transport it onto the next destination. Just make sure you keep all your cycling essentials in your ruck-sack. There will be a spare bike in the van should anyone need it. The speed will be 'medium' pace (around 14 mph) and we will definitely not be be in 'race-mode'. Anyone wanting to skip a day's cycling can get a lift to the next destination. The overall objective is to breathe in the Norman country-side over 220 miles and three and half days but if your feel the need to increase the pace the peloton will meet you at the next pit-stop.
All costs for food, drink and accommodation are covered in the price.
For more information just give me a call on +44 (0) 7799 894073 or drop us a line.
£800 per person (based on two people sharing a room)
Single person supplement available.